Looking Out For You.
Why is Notary Signing Agent Blueprint the most trusted online Notary Signing Agent training?
Why have over 122,000+ people shown up to our online courses, webinars, and mentorship?
Why are we rated 4.9/5 from over 1,072+ public reviews?
Here is EXACTLY what the “others” don’t want you to know…
PLEASE… DO NOT LET OTHERS GET SCAMMED. Share this article link with people you know https://www.notarysigningagentblueprint.com/looking-out-for-you/
- Some other programs do NOT give you instant course access. Without instant access, you are automatically locked out of their program from the start, as you wait for them to return your “I want my money back right now” email. Start off right with NSA Blueprint since our training provides you instant access from any device, at any time, from anywhere. You can start your program with us immediately upon your purchase.
- Some other programs force you to finish your course program before 2 months, or you’re required to pay more to finish it. Get peace of mind with NSA Blueprint since our course program is 100% self paced, and you can complete your program around your schedule, without having to pay more to finish your program.
- Some other programs do NOT have any type of money back guarantee, or if you “access” or “view” ANY of your program at all you don’t qualify for a refund. You are stuck with the purchase, no matter what. Get treated with the respect you deserve with NSA Blueprint since your training is automatically covered under our 100% Money Back Guarantee with clear and simple terms right on our website.
- Some other programs provide training from unqualified people who are NOT Signing Agents, have NEVER run a Signing Agent business, and have ZERO DOLLARS in Signing Agent Earnings. They are typically large, faceless organizations or workgroups, and you have no clue who the person is that you’re actually getting this “training” from. This is by far one of the most frequent regrets and complaints we see from others via email on a weekly basis. Look, if you have NO CLUE who the exact person is (their name) that you’re actually getting training from… please… DO NOT BE SURPRISED when it doesn’t work out for you. Since they are not a highly qualified Signing Agent with a real loan signings business, you can bet you’re not getting any clients, not getting any proven systems, you’ll be missing out on the best practices, and really going to be left with way more questions than answers. Get training from an expert with NSA Blueprint since Jon Snedeker has been named “One of the BEST Signing Agents in America”, has owned several companies in the Loan Signing Industry, has performed around 10,000 loan signings, and is America’s #1 Signing Agent Mentor. He has trained and served over 122,000+ people with his online courses, webinars, and mentorship.
- Some other programs require forced yearly re-certification, and just so happen to “forget” to tell you upfront. How convenient for them. Save money automatically every single year with NSA Blueprint since our national certification does not require any type of yearly fees, does not require yearly re-certification, and is automatically included in your purchase.
- Some other programs are so far out of date, that they only include “paper” signings only. Stay up to date with the latest closing methods with NSA Blueprint since we’ll teach you paper signings, hybrid signings, and even online signings. Learn the tools and strategies to start and grow your business in any economy, no matter which type of signing you prefer.
- Some other programs don’t teach you how to get the higher paying loan signings at all, and you are stuck with getting the lower paying loan signings only. How come? “Going cheap is the most expensive thing you can do.” The sad truth is, they aren’t getting those higher paying signings themselves, so how could they teach it? They can’t. Learn exactly where the higher paying loan signings are with NSA Blueprint since we are well-known for helping people get the ‘direct from title’ loan signings. There is no coincidence that many of the highest paid Notary Signing Agents out there came directly from our programs, modeling the same exact proven systems that Jon used to grow his business.
- Some other programs require you waste money for advertising your Notary business on a monthly basis, to try and generate loan signings. You wait, and wait, and wait for loan signings… as you spend more and more. Running ads once (or every month) is expensive, and completely unnecessary. If you “paid” someone to take a course that teaches you how to pay to advertise online, just so you can spend MORE each and every single month… then you my friend… are going in the completely wrong direction. Save your money every single month with NSA Blueprint since we specifically teach you to NOT waste money on advertising at all, since you don’t need to when you model our proven systems.
- Some other programs do NOT help you become a Notary at all. Get started right with NSA Blueprint since we will guide you with becoming a Notary and gathering any and all credentials to do loan signings. We’ll even provide you with our discounts on select Notary & Signing Agent services, and include links to specific products to help you save money.
- Some other programs, the certification they have means nothing to hiring companies. Surprised? Don’t be. Get business development certification training that actually ‘means’ something with NSA Blueprint since we are the clear leader in Notary Signing Agent training, and we have a national certification. Many hiring companies love our students since they know the high level of detail we provide in our training. They also know that Team Blueprint is fully prepared, qualified, has the right credentials, and they have the right equipment to accept loan signings in the real world, and handle signings with ease. We’ll even help you gather another certification without paying for additional training, so you end up having multiple credentials to separate yourself from the pack.
- Some other (membership/database) companies will webscrape your email from public notary websites, then email you directly saying “We have a $250 loan signing in your zip code tomorrow, and we can assign it to you for just a $30/yr membership”. When you pay, the order is now mysteriously “cancelled”… since it was never actually real in the first place. Yikes. Learn how to get REAL loan signings (and not fake ones) with NSA Blueprint.
- Some other programs do NOT offer any type of support after you complete your program. So how do you get all of your questions answered then? You don’t. Get all your questions answered with NSA Blueprint since automatically included in your program is a certain number of days for free to join our Six Figure Mentorship. Get all your questions answered everyday, join our private team group, network & connect with other achievers on our team, and even speak with us live on our team conference calls to get all of your questions answered. You will have questions, we will have answers from our team of experts.
- Some other programs do NOT give you any clients to potentially work with, so who are you going to try and get business from? The sad truth, they probably don’t know any clients. Get all the clients you need automatically with NSA Blueprint since our programs provides 50-230+ up to date highly rated hiring companies with their names, phone numbers, emails, and websites. Additionally to this list, we’ll be showing you how to find the best companies to work with locally to where you are. Our proven Blueprint system shows you how to ‘correctly’ sign up with hiring companies to help you start getting loan signings.
- Some other programs charge a 10% “restocking fee” if you qualify for a refund. What are they restocking?? Online digital programs have nothing to “restock”. Get peace of mind and treated with respect with NSA Blueprint because when you qualify for your money back with any of our main certification programs, you’ll actually get… 100% of your money back.
- Some other programs require you to show up in person, adding costs and this throws off your demanding schedule. Train when and where you want with NSA Blueprint since our program is fully and thoughtfully designed to reach you wherever you are. Our training videos can be accessed from any device, at any time, from anywhere. Our team conference calls can be accessed from your phone, from anywhere you are as well. Enjoy our NSA Blueprint experience from wherever you are, and save money by skipping the expensive hotels, plane tickets, and overpriced meals.
- Some other programs sneakily try to convince you that they’ll set up your LLC in their own name, so that way they get paid first from all of your closings and hard work, and then they claim they’ll “pay you a percentage” of what you earn second. Scam, on top of scam, on top of scam. Sadly, it happens more than you think. News Flash: You should be keeping 100% of your earnings, at all times. Keep 100% of all your loan signing earnings with NSA Blueprint since we’ll help and guide you to setup your own LLC & EIN number. You can also do this business under your personal name and social if you prefer that. This way you get paid directly from hiring companies and you protect 100% of your income. With our program you will keep 100% of your Loan Signing earnings, and are paid directly from the hiring companies.
- Some other programs give you just one set of sample loan documents, that are completely blank leaving you with more questions yet again. Get fully trained from an expert with NSA Blueprint since our Blueprint program provides you 7 full sets of real estate closing documents (from several states) that are fully filled out by both the signer and Notary Signing Agent so you know exactly what you’re doing. You’ll also be watching several different types of closing videos performed by Jon Snedeker to help boost your confidence and show you the tricks of the trade. You’ll handle any type of closing with ease. Want to boost your confidence? Get training from an expert like our team, and learn why repetition is so important in training.
- Some other programs got so many negative reviews, they took down their “Google My Business” profile out of embarrassment. Choose trust with NSA Blueprint since we are rated 4.9/5 with over 1,072+ public reviews. We’ve earned our students trust and respect one student at a time. You can probably get the picture from this webpage, that we do everything we can to protect and take care of our team.
- Some other programs force their support in a spammy facebook group. You’ll be bothered via “dm’s” or direct messages from other people in the group and won’t be able to stop them. Stay on track without the headaches with NSA Blueprint since we have a privately hosted online platform for our teams support, and currently have over 8 team members and moderators to help and guide you with whatever you need. We don’t allow bothering people or DM’s on our website to help you stay focused with an enjoyable experience.
- Some other programs have just “one person” to answer support for thousands of people. What happens when they go away, get sick, or go on vacation? Yep… you my friend, you are left in the dust. Get help everyday with NSA Blueprint since we currently have over 8 team moderators to help you with whatever you need, everyday. You’ll find they treat you like family, and we have a warm and welcoming environment in our private team group. You can post questions in our private team community, and speak with us live on team conference calls.
- Some other programs just list your name in an online database, and say… “good luck!”. They claim their website is the #1 place to be hired as a Signing Agent, but the truth is the best hiring companies already have their own list of highly vetted, trained, and qualified Signing Agents. Learn the secrets from NSA Blueprint since we know exactly how to get on the ‘right’ lists, and skip the ones you don’t get business from that are a waste of time.
- Some other programs automatically charge you their monthly support fee starting from day 1, without telling you. In other words, if they provide “30 days of free support”, this actually means they’ll charge you exactly 30 days immediately from purchase day, whether you are ready for support or not. Get treated right with NSA Blueprint since the time we give you for your free support, starts basically at the end of your program completion when you actually request support from us.
- Some other programs just do ‘basic’ Notary training only, and they do not provide Signing Agent training at all. Remember, general Notaries are capped by state law with max fees per notarization ($0.25-$15 per stamp) and some even restrict travel fees, while Signing Agents are NOT capped by state law. Learn how to earn more without restrictions with NSA Blueprint since we provide way more than just Notary & Signing Agent training. Get access to peak performance information, personal development materials, and even psychology of success breakthroughs. We care about you as a person first, not just as a Notary Signing Agent.
- Some other programs don’t “give back” as a team or community at all. Join a community of winners who give back with NSA Blueprint since over the past few years as a team we’ve provided over 10,000 meals each year to Feeding America. We typically do our annual team fundraiser in November around the holidays. Of course, it’s completely optional to participate.
PLEASE… DO NOT LET OTHERS GET SCAMMED. Share this article link with people you know https://www.notarysigningagentblueprint.com/looking-out-for-you/
-Team Blueprint
Notary Signing Agent Blueprint