Disclaimer / Disclosure
Please see below for our legal disclaimer and disclosure.
At NSA Blueprint, our mission is to help you start and grow your Notary Signing Agent business through our business development training programs.
“Everyone has the right to education”, and that is a fundamental human right. We offer our expert NSA Blueprint training programs to anyone in all 50 states.
As industry leaders, we have a deep responsibility to our customers and partner network. We’ve earned the trust of our team, one student at a time. We stand by our strong values serving others, and have unwavering integrity. We take the extra time to do it right… which includes being clear upfront and honest, as well as leading by example. We take our responsibility very seriously when it comes to helping others. This is why you’ll see our standard disclosures, and can only purchase once you agree to them.
We follow all laws and regulations around disclosures. Upon purchase, you’ll manually agree to our terms of use by clicking a box which includes our terms of service, disclaimers, privacy policy, and any other webpage listed there. You should never be surprised at any point in the process, so we do our part to clearly share what we do, what we don’t do, and how we help others. Our written policies such as refund policies ensure we always do the right thing being upfront, and have clear and direct communication with our customers.
As discussed, we offer our training in all 50 states and have a right to do so. You can start with us first, no matter where you are. In other words, you can take our training first at any time as there are no requirements or prerequisites before purchasing with us. No matter where you are on your Notary Signing Agent journey, you can take our training at any time. You are paying us for our training. Our program will automatically help and guide you with any and all required credentials, supplies needed, and following laws for you to run your business. We do not pay for them on your behalf though, and you are 100% in control of your business at all times. We will show you the optimal way to open the most amount of doors with your loan signing business. We do guide you with any and all potential requirements with credentials regardless of where you live in America in any of the 50 states. This may include credentials required by law, or required by hiring companies who give out loan signings, or any other industry requirements or even recommendations that we feel helps you start and grow your business. We will never know on an individual per person basis what credentials you specifically have already, or specifically do not have yet (unless you tell us). This means before, during, and after any potential course or program purchase with us, we wouldn’t know or be able to share what other required purchases (if any) or costs may be needed for you specifically. We will of course guide you as best as we are able and show you exactly what is needed with our full list to ensure you have or get what is recommended by us. For example, if you have no credentials at all, additional purchases to get them would be required so you can be qualified to accept loan signing orders. Its also possible you just want to learn the business or take higher level training, but without running the business at all. In this case, this would not require any credentials to purchase. If you already have all the specific credentials that we recommend, then you would not need additional purchases to get what you already have. If you have ‘some’ or ‘part’ of the specific credentials we recommend, then you may likely need additional purchases to be fully qualified to accept loan signings which we will guide you with.
In order to notarize, eventually you’ll need to become a Notary. In other words, you cannot notarize without being a Notary and this should not surprise you at all. We will guide you through any Notary laws and restrictions. Although the laws and “how” you can notarize may be ever changing, we’ll be guiding you to only notarize in states that you have a notary commission for, and are physically located in as well. Being a Notary is not enough on its own to be fully qualified for this business. We share industry best practices only.
This is a very quirky business, and that is one reason (of many) why you should take training from an expert. This is not a job, it is a business. It has risks, and you should learn how to manage risk. If you want to have a chance at success in this business, keep in mind that effort is needed, and following steps are required. We don’t believe in luck, we believe in being fully trained and fully prepared so you can learn how to start and grow your business. This means you should complete our training program to get our step by step guide and full training experience. As of the time of this writing, overall online course completion rates are 5-15%. Our NSA Blueprint online course completion rates are roughly 50-60%. This means approximately 40% or more do not complete their program to 100%. If you don’t finish our training to 100% and don’t follow our instructions exactly, it’s fair to say any average person may run into issues and confusion without adequate training. Do not expect any success, especially without actually putting in the work and learning how to run the business like everyone else.
There can be many quirks to being qualified and being fully protected to accept loan signing orders. In short, as an expert Signing Agent training company (and not your state), we’ll be providing you with step by step guidance to help you learn how to get qualified. There will be simple and clear steps to take, and we’ll guide you through that. Without the right credentials, you will not be fully qualified or protected in your business. Without the right credentials, hiring companies may not reach out to you at all, since you’re not qualified to accept loan signing orders. Rest assured, we can help as we are a private company. We are not affiliated with “your state” or your states “notary division”. We also don’t need to be. Individual states or notary divisions at the state level simply don’t oversee, manage, or help with Signing Agent specific duties with loan signings. That is another reason to get training from someone highly qualified, so they can actually help you start and grow your business.
Industry Leading Transparency – We’ve earned our reputation and reviews, one student at a time. Our customers and partner network appreciate Jon’s business development programs.
This section details required information about income disclosures and estimates.
We are required to disclose our estimates for “average income” or “generally accepted performance” for the industry. Before we share those, we have required information to disclose.
Additionally we are also required to say that we (NSA Blueprint, Notary Signing Agent Blueprint, Jon Snedeker) do not guarantee any type of minimum earnings to you. There are several reasons for this which we will detail here.
NSA Blueprint does not make income claims or performance guarantees about our course or programs. In other words, NSA Blueprint will never say that we will guarantee that you will “make X amount within X amount of time” (per year or per week or per day, etc) after taking our program. We simply do not guarantee any results, and that has always been the case.
Seeing or hearing that industry standard pricing is $75-200 per signing is not a guarantee of earnings to you from NSA Blueprint. We do not guarantee any type of results. You are 100% in control of your business at all times. We can guide you, but you determine how often you want to work, and how much you work or provide your services for. Since you are 100% in control, you need to take 100% responsibility. We are training you, and are not running the business for you. This means that you are in 100% control at all times with your business. For example: If you provided your services for free, or charged 5 times more than you should, you cannot hold us accountable for any choices you make. We’ll be sharing standard industry best practices when it comes to pricing, but in the end you make the decision on what you want to charge. NSA’s individually determine the prices they want to work for. This means that NSA Blueprint has no say or involvement whatsoever when it comes to the NSA determining their own price they want to work for. We will not be held liable in any instance with your pricing or any decisions for your business that you determine or not determine. Sharing what customary or industry standard fees are helps each Signing Agent learn what to expect from hiring companies with loan signings. Price fixing is against the law, and collusion is against the law. We are here to make sure you are trained on how to do things right, the first time.
There are laws requiring us to disclose average income, and we don’t want that to confuse you in any way. Even though we are required to disclose our estimates, we still will not guarantee this to you in any circumstance.
Our required estimates for disclosing overall industry “average income” is somewhere around $50,000 – $80,000 per year as a full time Notary Signing Agent. This uses industry standard loan signing fees, with an average number of closings per day and hours worked per day. This is not NSA Blueprint specific, and is our estimate of the total industry of Signing Agents. This means people who only work on real estate closings, and do not do general notary work at all. At $75-200 per signing ($125 conservative average), with an 8 hour day (40 per week average), with 2-3 closings per day (2.5 average), this brings $1562.50 per week, and $81,250 per year. We feel it’s always right to be conservative in our required estimates, which would be $100 per signing with 2 signings a day, bringing someone to around $50K per year. Jon has performed almost 10,000 loan closings, and has direct insights as to how pricing works in the industry. Additionally we want to share our thoughts on why it would be reasonable to expect more than $30,000 a year as a full time Notary Signing Agent, further supporting our $50K-$80K per year full time estimate. To earn $30,000 a year or less, you would have to average LESS THAN ONE signing each and every day. Example: $30,000 / 52 weeks is $576.92 a week. If we divide that by $125 (a reasonable or average signing fee), that is only 4.62 signings a week, which is less than 1 signing per business day. This information supports a higher reasonable or expected income as a full time Notary Signing Agent.
Average Loan Signing Fees: are in the range of $125 or so, with $75-200 being very reasonable. We have provided several images that are below at the bottom of this page to show you an example in general of how it works. Notary Signing Agents individually set their own fee they want to (or don’t want) to work for. The highest paid loan signing fee we’ve ever heard of was $800, but that is not average. We share industry standard or more average fees as required, but in no way do we influence how much you actually charge as a Notary Signing Agent as you are in 100% control of that.
Average Signings Per Day: would be in the range of 2-3 per day. For example: some days you may complete 1 signing, some days may be 4, some days may be 2 or 3, some days may be 0. It’s reasonable to expect around 2-3 as an average if you’re committing 40 hours per week full time. The most closings we’ve heard of someone completing in one day was nine loan signings, which also supports 2-3 being a reasonable expectation.
Average Time in the Business. Since we are required to “estimate” these average full time income figures, we are naturally going to use an “average” time in the business when thinking of an average person. In other words, we are not estimating averages based on someone who has only been performing as a Signing Agent for 6 months, or has been doing loan signings for 20 years. We have factored real life data from average Signing Agents somewhere around years 3-5 in the business.
Average Environment: Mortgage interest rates over history have been between 2% to 18%. We count 14-15 different types of real estate transactions that NSA’s can work on. Some of these types of real estate transactions are more affected by interest rates, than others. For example: cash purchases (no loan, no interest rate) have been a considerable percentage of all home purchases. Our data with these required income estimates have factored in more long term track record and more relevant/average interest rates around 3% to 7.5%.
Average Data Factored In. We provided our estimates for income and clearly detailed how we came up with the estimates. In short, we’ve factored in a variety of data from: real loan signing fees, escrow officer and title reps offers for signings, industry standard loan signing fees, non student results, our student results, unofficial surveys to internal moderators who are NSA’s with our team, recent industry research, and Jon’s long term track record and insights in the business. Our estimates are “overall” Signing Agent industry specific, and are not “NSA Blueprint” team specific.
We would never force or require team members or students to disclose earnings to us. This means we don’t know “what percentage” of our team makes a certain amount. We do not regularly survey our team to ask what their income is. We do not bother them in any way. Please note that laws around disclosure requirements change, and we have never been actively notified when such changes happen. This means we can only do our best to stay up to speed at all times.
Your results (if any) will vary based on things NSA Blueprint or Jon cannot control. This includes things like the time you dedicate to your business, your energy, your effort, and your work ethic. Therefore, we do not and will not guarantee any results, or “minimum” earnings. Any opportunity needs time, effort, and to manage risks. In rare case you ever see any of our top students or testimonials, they are clearly not average students or results. We will never require students to disclose earnings to us. We share our estimates of “Average Income” as required, and disclose that in a number of places. These may include our free training registration page, emails, sales pages, and required disclosures page like this one.
We are allowed to share our testimonial images that follow all laws, and they are 100% real images from real customers who have completed our programs. Showing images from our team that are “around the averages” is perfectly acceptable. Our terms of service allow us unrestricted rights to capture or use any team member screenshots, and highlight any student success. Seeing any testimonials is not a guarantee of any type of future earnings for you. We do not give any payments for testimonials to our team members. Jon has generously provided complimentary access to our Inner Circle Mastermind for 1 year to a select handful (about 5) of our hardest working team members, which some may view as compensation. These students regularly went above and beyond in our private team community, and are also leaders in their local community as well. Our entire moderator team for our support group does receive pay, and a few internal company services free of charge as a perk.
There are many things we do to show an accurate variety and wide spectrum of testimonials. In other words, we don’t highlight “only” the best or “only” certain data. For example: Showing only 2 of the best testimonials that are nowhere near generally expected results would clearly be the wrong thing to do and is misleading. Unfortunately some companies do that, and we would never.
That is why we show both part time and full time students. We show daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. We show images or reviews without any income numbers attached to them. We show lots of students so you can see a wide spectrum. We show both experienced but also brand new students getting their first signings. We show students from all parts of the country, including cities but also suburbs and even in the middle of nowhere areas. Yep, they have houses and thus real estate transactions to sign and notarize too. We show a variety to see whats possible, and stick to showing “among the averages”. Since we don’t regularly ask for testimonials, we only receive what someone wants to send in. In the past we’ve asked people to include “averages” too, in addition to what they typically share which is the “higher” numbers they are proud of achieving.
Here is additional information and required disclosures.
- We don’t imply or discuss that you will “get rich” or “get rich quick”.
- We don’t do “network marketing” of any kind.
- We don’t do “multi level marketing” of any kind.
- We don’t make earnings claims, minimum earnings, or earnings guarantees of any kind. Government agencies forcing businesses to share or disclose overall industry average earnings is NOT a guarantee of earnings at all.
- Seeing a screenshot or image from any of our students is in no way a guarantee of earnings, or earnings claim from NSA Blueprint to you.
- If in rare case you see any type of “top” earning student or student image, this cannot be considered “average” earnings.
- Seeing any of our teams results or screenshots is not a guarantee or promise you will earn any less, earn the same, or earn any more. We have no idea what you are capable of.
- Your results (if any), will vary based on a number of factors such as: time, energy, skillset, and work ethic. We specifically say we do not guarantee results on our main website, training, disclaimers, sales pages, and terms of service. Any concepts provided cannot be considered average, exact, or promises for current or future earnings.
- You are not buying a business or buying a franchise from us. We do not pay for items, supplies, or any credentials.
- We do not provide any type of “exclusive” territories or locations.
- We do not directly provide any type of inventory or supplies to you.
- You are not going into business with us. We are providing you general guidance with your business development through our training videos.
- Watching our self paced training videos does not mean, nor imply, you will have a direct and personal relationship with Jon Snedeker directly. He is allowed to share his passion and expertise with the world, and do his part to help others start and grow their business.
- You get instant access to complete your self paced program. Self paced means you can stop and start it again and complete our training around your schedule. There is no rush to complete your training, but we reserve the right to enforce our terms of service timeframe. Training can be completed in less than a day if you took it straight through. In other words, self paced does not entitle you to abuse our terms of service, by trying to take a lifetime to finish your one day training.
- You alone are responsible for your decisions, actions, habits, and results in life. By registering for our free training, paid training, or any training with us, you agree to not attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions, habits, or results at any time, under any circumstance.
- Any business entails some risk and effort is needed. If you are not willing to accept that, we are not for you.
- Our sales pages, terms of service, privacy policy, and disclaimers page are very clear with what we help with, and what we don’t help with. If you have any questions, be sure to send us an email we’ll be glad to assist you.
We pride ourselves on serving our community everyday with our highly rated online training. Our course, website, training, disclosures, terms of service, privacy policy, and sales pages are all clear, concise, and understandable in plain terms. Nothing is misleading, deceptive, or unfair about what we do.
We’ve earned our reputation and reviews the right way, one student at a time. You agree to this disclaimer upon your purchase, and are required to manually check the box agreeing to these clear and simple terms.
Let us know if you have any questions at all via email, our team would be glad to assist you.
Thank you,
-Team Blueprint
Notary Signing Agent Blueprint
Example of Loan Signing Fees on closing documents
You determine your own fee that you would complete a loan signing for. If or when you complete that loan signing you are then paid from the sections below of: “settlement/closing/notary/attorney” fees or something similar. The signer (the person buying/selling/refinancing) pays the closing fee and all fees through their real estate transaction, but whoever hired you (the hiring company) would send your payment to you.
Depending on what you decide for your loan signing fee and if accepted, the hiring company would send you some, part, or all of the fee listed on the loan signing documents. Sometimes it’s listed as 1 fee on a single line item, sometimes it may be 2 or more fees or line items listed, sometimes it may not be clearly itemized or listed as shown below and would then be paid from a higher dollar amount general line item typically from the title company side. The title company has the ability to add or edit the closing fees listed on the real estate transaction, to ensure everything works well for all parties to the transaction.
Image 1: $550, listed as “Settlement or Closing Fee”.
Image 2: $500, listed as 2 fees “Attorney/Notary Fee” and “Settlement Fee”.
Image 3: $450, listed as “Settlement/Closing” fee.
Since you are paid some of, part of, or all of the closing fee (based on what you and hiring company agree to), that is why industry standard fees of somewhere around $75 – $200 are very reasonable and average. The settlement and closing fees are typically $400 – $600 on real loan documents as shown below.