Our Mission
Our mission here at Notary Signing Agent Blueprint is to help you start, grow, and bulletproof your loan signings business as fast as possible.
We also give back as a team to Feeding America, to help those who are hungry, less fortunate, and in need during the holiday season.
When I started my Notary Signing Agent business I thought I had it all “figured out”.
I didn’t.
It was 2008, and I had just graduated college. All the job promises were empty at that time, so I took the first one I could get at a local bank. Although I enjoyed the job for some time, a merger forced me to re-evaluate what I was going to do moving forward.
I was really struggling to get it figured out, as my student loan payments were over $700/month. I was living at home with my parents, and I was missing events and get togethers with friends to save money, and still having a hard time making ends meet.
I was embarrassed, and feeling sorry for myself.
The more I “searched” for what to do, the more confused and frustrated I got.
I was tired of being broke.
I was tired of eating pasta all the time.
I was tired of saying no to meeting up with friends, just because I didn’t have money. I was $65K in debt from student loans, and going nowhere fast.
I felt like a failure.
The truth is, I was really after becoming my own boss, making more money, and creating my own schedule every single day. Being a Signing Agent was just the “vehicle” to do that.
I also wanted to FEEL successful. I was working my tail off at corporate, and no one seemed to notice. I wasn’t getting ahead where I felt I should be, so it seemed like a real waste of energy.
Plus my vacation or time off requests working for “someone else” were denied frequently. They never seemed to have a good reason for it either. Excuse after excuse, same old story.
I didn’t realize at the time… but I was working on someone else’s dream, instead of my own.
In fact I was working REALLY HARD for someone else, without getting the benefits, appreciation, or pay I deserved.
So I set out to change that as fast as possible.
Turns out the solution was literally right in front of me, the entire time. I was actually hiring Signing Agents for our entire office to have them come in and close our refinance loans.
- I saw how much they were making per signing.
- I saw how quickly they were finished with the signings.
- I saw how they left the office after the closing, saying “see ya later”. They were free.
It was a no brainer.
It wasn’t long before I was making that happen each and every day for myself. I’m forever grateful to my friends and mentors Ralston & Donna. These two compassionate souls believed in me, and helped me pull the pieces together to get started.
Here is a photo of Donna, Ralston, and myself at my wedding.

When I finally said yes to myself…
- I instantly became my own boss, and started working on my own future (instead of someone else’s).
- I got a big pay raise, about 2.5 times my salary. I was making more in about 30-45 minutes sitting with someone after work collecting and notarizing signatures, than I was making in my 8-9 hour day. Once I went full time with loan signings, I knew I was going to free up 8-9 more hours every day for more signings. This was huge.
- I was also creating my own schedule as well. Being a loan signing agent allowed me to say yes to opportunities I wanted (start times, location of signing, type of signings, pay for signings), and saying no to the ones I didn’t want.
I was finally starting to get that momentum.
I was even borrowing vehicles to pull this together, as I would borrow my mom’s car for loan signings after work. I was doing whatever it took, without any excuses.
I started part time as a Signing Agent, and went full time as soon as I was able.
It wasn’t long before I hit my stride in this business, winning national awards, and even mentoring others.
I felt like I did a complete 180, and finally for the first time felt like a real success.

Oh ya, and I made sure NO ONE told me I “couldn’t go” on vacation ever again…
Here are some of my favorite vacation moments that being a Signing Agent allowed me to do:
- Jetskiing in the emerald colored water of St Martin in the Caribbean
- Hanging at DisneyWorld
- Visiting my grandfather and hearing his stories
- and relaxin around the pool

So if being a Signing Agent is so great, then why isn’t everyone successful with it?
The truth is, this is a really quirky industry.
Most people have no idea this is a real, and well-paying opportunity that almost anyone can do. Pat yourself on the back for figuring out it exists. The types of loan signings I do are written in the law they need to be notarized, so it’s not going anywhere.
The ones who do know about this opportunity, are all guaranteed to have the same issues starting out.
- They start asking someone locally to train them. I’ve got some bad news, your local competition will not train you. Not only is it bad for their time and their business, they cannot share loan documents with you since they have confidential information all over them. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve seen rude people try to demean others that are asking for help.
- Who hires you and provides you loan signings, will not train you. As a 1099 independent contractor, you are responsible for all your tools, equipment, and training. Do you train your electrician when you hire them for a job? No you don’t. Do you train your realtor when you hire them to help you buy/sell a home? No you don’t. It works the same way for Signing Agents, as you are expected to have your training, certifications, and supplies as well BEFORE you reach out to hiring companies to pay you. They are paying you a premium because this already needs to be in place.
- You’ll likely try to get a “client list” from somewhere, and will be using the same picked over list of companies, many of which are out of business.
- You won’t be able to see real loan documents ahead of your first closing. So how will you know where and how to sign the paperwork? The signer will have no idea where to sign, as you are the professional there to help them.
- You won’t feel like you’re comfortable, and you won’t feel “ready”.
- If you’re doing this alone you won’t feel like you’re trained, because you won’t be.
- And because of that, you’ll lack the confidence and competence needed to ever get your business off the ground. You might not ever take the first step because of this feeling. I hate to say it, but I see this paralyze people every day. For many, the feeling never goes away, so they never start.
- You also might expect your state to train you, but they don’t. States only work with helping others become a Notary, and even with that only 7-8 states require any Notary training at all. Most states literally have you pay around $30 and fill out an application, and you’re approved. Without any Notary training at all (yet you have a stamp), how will you know what to do? There are rules and laws to follow, you might not even know about. Plus states do not handle anything related to Signing Agent. They don’t certify you, train you, or help you in any way.
- You might turn to other resources like facebook, youtube, or the coolest newest social media. The problem here is that #1 they don’t provide certifications to get you qualified, #2 the busiest and best Signing Agents are not on social media as they are all busy doing signings, and #3 you have no idea who to trust. There is no way to tell if they have any experience, or even if they are actually a Signing Agent or not. Without vetting them, and knowing their track record, why would you take their advice?
Look, you don’t need to struggle in this business.
Skip the confusing information.
Skip the bad advice.
Skip the embarrassing questions.
Stop wasting your time.
I know the feeling. I know the frustration, and to be honest, it sucks.
This is your future we’re talking about. You deserve to be successful too.
But what if there was a way to easily get your loan signing business off the ground? One that doesn’t require so many uphill battles every way you turn.
NSA Blueprint will get you trained, certified, and be eligible for mentorship from our team in less than a day.
You’ll be receiving direct training from myself, someone who’s completed almost 10,000+ loan signings and was named “One of the Best Signing Agents in America.”

You’ll learn who to work with, where to get business, and also learn who to NOT work with!
Included in our programs are my personal client lists, templates, and cheat sheets. You’ll be modeling the exact system I used to get towards 10,000+ loan signings, and it’s what our team uses everyday across America.
You’ll be learning everything you need.
The tools, the systems, the resources, you name it.
You’ll be getting my personal document library, to keep everything in order.
You’ll even be watching several different types of live closings that are paper closings, and even online signings too.
Nothing is left out.
We’ll help you boost your confidence in a matter of hours with our expert training material. This will allow you the fast-track you deserve in this business.
This is a proven system.
These are proven battle tested strategies.
No more guessing.
No more bothering others.
No more feeling confused or overwhelmed.
And when you’re complete with your certification training, you’ll become eligible for mentorship. This is where we answer your questions, and provide the support you need. Network and connect with our team, as you are not alone anymore.
There is no better time than right now to secure your brighter future.
Congratulations for taking the first step.
Loan signings completely changed my life, will it change yours?
Jon Snedeker